Creative Bioarray provides cell line adaptation services to help you to adapt cells to new culture media, reagents or conditions. The most appropriate protocol will be chosen to ensure that the adapted cells can be used for subsequent applications.
During cell culture process, it is sometimes necessary to change the commonly used media, reagents or culture conditions to optimize the performance of cell culture or for specific applications. Common changes include the type of culture media, media components or additives, the concentration of serum or reagents, different brands, and relevant parameters of culture conditions. However, simply changing media, reagents or conditions may stress cells and has the potential to change the characteristics of the cell line. Cells usually need to undergo an adaptation process to recover from the initial shock.
The approaches used for cell line adaptation is critical to success. Two common approaches are direct adaptation and sequential adaptation. Sequential adaptation is preferable because the process is in an orderly way and step by step. Other points need to be considered in cell line adaptation include cell density, cell viability, cell type and passage schedule. It is recommended to keep the original medium or reagents until the adaptation has been completed successfully.
Figure 1. Schematic representation of the serum-free media adaptation process in static T-flasks (Biaggio R T, et al., 2015)
Creative Bioarray can help you eliminate the worry of changing cell culture conditions. It is responsibility of our scientific team to determine the most appropriate solution for cell line adaptation according to your specific needs. We also supply high quality cell culture related products, such as serum-free media, conditioned media and multiple reagents and supplements.
If you are interested in our services or products, please feel free to contact us. We are looking forward to cooperating with you.
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